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Herbicide Tolerant Crops - Impacts on agriculture and
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Herbicide Tolerant Crops
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E. Rasche, G. Donn
Crop growing is not feasible without measures to control weeds. Weeds are
plants which compete with the planted crop for space, light water and
nutrients. They could furthermore cause difficulties during harvest or in
the harvested product.
Weeds can be undesirable wild plants as well as plants of the crop(s)
previously planted on the same field. They diminish yield of crops and
quality of products. Therefore weeds must be controlled to exploit the yield
potential of crops.
However, all systems of weed control be they mechanical,
thermal, biological or chemical, have some side effects.
For instance mechanical tillage can accelerate soil
erosion under certain conditions and flaming can additionally kill
the accompaiying fauna while chemical herbicides can cause concerns in regard
to possible residues in and on the harvested crop and to environmental
impacts. These drawbacks can not be completely eliminated but they can be
The first requirement for widespread use of a herbicide after the
emergence of a crop is its tolerance by the crop. Most crop plants
display various degrees of resistance to many herbicides. Such natural
resistance is generally based on morphological or physiological differences
between weeds and crop plants. In some crops selectivity is also achieved by
appropriate application techniques (soil application before sowing or
emergence of the crop, spray shields to mask the crop).
These systems are sometimes poorly effective, and damage may result from even
slight overdosing. The application rates per hectare as well as the stage of
development of the crop plants, play an important role in avoiding this
damage when selective herbicides are applied.
Modern herbicide research aims at the development of products
which meet the farmer´s requirements and have the
lowest possible side effects. As a result, more
environmentally acceptable herbicides are available. However, some of these
herbidices can not be used on major field crops.
Methods to generate herbicide tolerant plants
In recent years several approaches have proved practicable of
circumventing this problem of selectivity in crops. One way
is through biotechnology. It is now possible for instance
to transfer herbicide inactivating traits into important crop plants.
The responsible genes have been shown to be stably integrated and
Currently seed companies are developing crop plants which are tolerant to
different herbicides. One of those herbicides which meet requirements of
farmers, regulators and the informed public is Glufosinate Ammonium. It is
taken as case for further considerations, because herbicide tolerance
achieved by genetic modification is tight to a specific herbicide or a group
of herbicides with the same mode of action and not existing per se.
Glufosinate Ammonium - a modern herbicide
Glufosinate Ammonium is the ammonium salt of the amino acid Phosphinothricin
which has been derived from the natural compound L-phosphinothricyl
-L-alanine-L-alanine. This tripetide was obtained from Streptomyces
viridochromogenes by Bayer et al (1972) in Germany and from Streptomyces
hygroscopicus by Kondo et al (1973) in Japan and got the common name
Bialaphos. The amino acid Phosphinothricin was found to be
the biologically active moiety of the tripetide. It proved to have strong
herbicidal efficacy on mono- and dicotyledonons plants and was patented
by Hoechst AG (Rupp et al, 1977).
Mode of herbicidal efficacy
The broad herbicidal activity of Glufosinate Ammonium is the result of a
specific inhibition of glutamine synthetase. In plants this is an essential
enzyme for the assimilation of primary ammonia as well as for the
reassimilation of ammonia released by metabolic processes. The inhibition of
glutamine synthetase causes increasing concentrations of ammonia in plant
cells. Finally they reach a level which is phytotoxic and destroys the
Mechanism of Tolerance to Glufosinate
The Streptomyces species producing the tripeptide Bialaphos containing the
herbicidal active amino acid Phosphinothricin possess an enzyme - and thus
a gene - which acetylates the amino group of Phosphinothricin. It protects
the producer strain against intoxication by the own metabolite.
De Block et al (1987) proved that a Bialaphos resistance gene (named
BAR gene) isolated from Streptomyces hygroscopicus was expressed in plants
as well and protected them from herbicidal effects of Glufosinate Ammonium.
Wohlleben et al (1988) isolated and characterized a Phosphinothricin
resistance gene from Streptomyces viridochromogenes. This gene codes for an
enzyme named Phosphinothricin-Acetyl-Transferase (PAT). Correspondingly the
gene is called PAT gene. Although nucleotide sequences of BAR and PAT genes
are slightly different from each other they code for similar enzymes which
inactivate Glufosinate Ammonium by specific acetylation of its amino group.
N-Acetyl-Glufosinate is formed which is no longer inhibiting glutamine
synthetase and does not have any herbicidal activity.
Metabolism and Residues
Glufosinate tolerant plants
The metabolism of Glufosinate-Ammonium was tested in the following
genetically modified crops: maize, soybean, rape, tomato. Due to the presence
of the PAT gene in these plants the herbicidal active isomer (L-Glufosinate)
is rapidly acetylated within as fast as it penetrates into the plant.
The high initial residue level (residues in the transgenic plants normally
consist of N-acetyl-L-Glufosinate, D-Glufosinate and with lesser amounts
3-methylphosphinico-propionic acid, Hoe061517) decreases when the plants are
growing. From residue trials it is documented that at the silage or harvest
stage no residues remain (below limit of quantification) in maize and oilseed
In soil the active substance Glufosinate-ammonium is rapidly degraded with
half-life (DT-50) of 3-20 days and DT-90 values of 10-30 days. The new
metabolite from the transgenic plants N-acetyl-L-Glufosinate is also rapidly
degraded. The deacetylation (first degradation step) takes place within one
day after which the degradation pathway and velocity is the same as for the
parent substance Glufosinate-Ammonium. Due to this rapid degradation, the
risk of leaching and groundwater contamination is minimized. In lysimeter
studies neither Glufosinate nor its metabolites were detectable in the
Mammals excrete both Glufosinate-Ammonium and N-acetyl-Glufosinate very
rapidly. More than 90% of the administered dose are excreted within the
first 48-h intervall after admininstration. (90% of that amount via faeces
and normally less than 10% with the urine after oral dose).
N-acetyl-L-Glufosinate is stable in the animal: it passes the stomach of
rats without deacetylation, in the urine only the N-acetyl compound is
excreted. Deacetylation takes place in the faeces presumably by the
intestinal bacteria. Depending on the initial dose between 1 and 10% are
deactylated. This process is reversible. After dosage of Glufosinate-Ammonium,
the acetylated compound was found in the rat faeces.
Product safety and environmental effects
Toxicological properties
Acute, subchronic and chronic toxicity studies showed very low toxicity
of Glufosinate-Ammonium. As a manufacturing use product Glufosinate-Ammonium
possesses no toxic properties which would render it a dangerous substance as
defined in the Regulation on Hazardous Materials.
Tests for sensitizing properties yielded no indications of allergenic
Mutagenicity assays showed Glufosinate-Ammonium to be non - mutagenic.
N-Acetyl-L-Glufosinate, which is formed in Glufosinate-Ammonium tolerant
plants, is per se inactive and did not show toxic properties either.
Assessment of hazard to typical non-target organisms
Assessments of possible ecological risks for the use of
Glufosinate-Ammonium were conducted by Dorn et al (1992).
They have shown that as far as can be known at present no hazard is
to be expected neither to aquatic organisms as algae, waterfleas
and fishes nor to terrestrial organisms as soil microorganisms, earthworms,
honeybees, beneficial arthropods, birds and mammals.
Glufosinate Ammonium is registered as a non selective herbicide in all major
countries of the world. It is known for its favorable toxicological and
ecotoxicological profile. In spring 1995 Canadian authorities granted the first
registration for use as a selective herbicide in Glufosinate tolerant oilseed
Safety Assessments of PAT Gene and Protein
Specificity of the PAT Protein
Incubation of purified enzyme (PAT Protein) with 14C Glutamate did not result
in acetylation of Glutamate. A 1000 fold higher concentration of Glutamate
(or other proteingenic amino acids) could not outcompete 14C labelled
Glufosinate as a substrate. The extremely high substrate specifity of the
PAT protein indicates that no other proteinogenic amino acid can be
Degradation studies of the PAT gene in digestive fluids from pork, chicken
and cow showed that the DNA is completely degraded within 1 hour
(at 37°C and pH 1,5). Degradation studies of the PAT Protein in digestive fluids
from pork, chicken, cow and in simulated human gastric fluid resulted in an
immediate breakdown of the protein and its enzymatic activity within seconds.
These results demonstrate an equivalent behaviour of PAT gene and protein
with other DNA and proteins of our diet.
A thorough comparison of the PAT protein with other known protein sequences
was conducted. No homology to known allergenic or toxic protein could be
All results suggest that the PAT gene and PAT protein do not pose any hazard
to consumers.
Safety Assessment of transgene dispersal
With the advent of transgenic crops, the danger of gene introgression from
cultivated plant species into the natural flora is widely discussed. Herbicide
resistance genes are in this respect an ideal approach for ecological
monitoring. If the postulated gene flux from cultivated crops towards the wild
flora would occur it would be easily detectable. Herbicide tolerant
crops therefore can help to answer the questions:
- Does gene flux from a given crop towards wild relatives occur under
natural conditions?
- What is the frequency of such events?
- Which consequences has the gene
transfer for the fitness of wild plants?
- Which effects on agricultural ecosystems has such a postulated gene
It is evident that no general answer can be drawn on this topic. Therefore a
species by species consideration is necessary. It is accepted that a transgene in
maize cannot be transmitted via cross pollination to other
plant species in most parts of the world with the exception of Southern Mexico
and Central America where wild relatives occur.
Soybean is also a safe crop in this respect. Only in Northern
China wild relatives occur and the plant is a notorius self pollinator.
Sugarbeets can cross freely with wild beets (Beta Vulgaris
ssp maritima). This wild plant grows along the coasts of Western Europe and the
Mediterranean bassin. In these areas outcrossing is posssible. Using transgenic
beets as females or by avoiding seed production areas where wild beets occur,
the outcrossing into wild beet populations can be avoided. In farmers fields
sugar beets do normally not flower. The few flowering contaminants which
arose either from weed beets or from crosses with wild beets in some seed
production areas (Broomberg et al 1995) should be erased before seed
setting anyway.
Rapeseed is considered as a crop which interbreeds with
related wild species from the Brassicaceae family. Therefore in this crop the
probability for outcrossing is higher than in all other agricultural crops.
Rapeseed (Brassica napus) arose from a cross between B campestris (B. rapa)
and its B. oleracea. It still can be backcrossed with its ancestors. Especially
crosses between B. napus and B. campestris are well documented,
(Jürgensen et al 1994) whereas outcrossings from rapeseed into
B. oleracea under field conditions do not occur at a detectable frequency
(K. Hild, personal communication). In fields in which B. campestris grows as
a weed besides B. napus and the rapeseed variety confers a herbicide
resistance gene, the weedy relative will be eliminated by spraying the
complementary herbicide before an outcrossing can occur. B. campestris does
not occur in natural habitats. Its ecological preferences are similar to rapeseed,
which only can establish on sites which are free of competing perennial
plants (Crawly et al 1992).
If the rapeseed field will not be treated with the complementary herbicide
and outcrossing into B. campestris can occur, the consequence is similar to the
situation of a non contaminated rapeseed field. Good agricultural practice will
suppress and eliminate the emerging seedlings in the next crop.
Crosses of rapeseed and the two most common related weeds Sinapis
arvensis and Raphanus raphanistrum do not occur under agricultural conditions
even if both weeds grow in close vicinity of B. napus. If pollen from the wild
species are brought on a stigma o B. napus together with B. napus pollen,
the B. napus pollen grows through the pistill faster and will fertilize the egg
cell. As a consequence only non hybrid seed will develop The same is true
in reciprocal crosses where the weeds are used as females. Also there the
pollen of the same species fertilizes the ovaries (Kerlan et al 1992).
Therefore hybrids between Raphanus raphanistrum or Sinapis arvensis and
rapeseed are not detected even in rapeseed fields heavily infested with both
weeds. Recently it was shown that in fields were male sterile rapeseed genotypes
were grown in close vicinity of Raphanus raphanistrum in the absence of
male fertile B. napus plants, a few seeds developed on the sterile rapeseed
The seedlings were analysed. Besides dihaploid rapeseed plants, intergeneric
hybrids were found, amphitriploids as well as trihaploids and plants with
irregular chromosome numbers (Baranger, Ph D. Thesis 1995).
The obtained interspecific F1-hybrids showed besides morphological
abnormalities a reduced fertility. It is extremely unlikely that under agricultural
conditions these plants can compete with well adopted fully fertile species.
These mentioned artificial conditions under which the Raphanus-Brassica
hybrids were created do not correspond to conditions in agriculture, because a
pollinator with B napus pollen was completely excluded. In presence of B.
napus pollen this would have outcompeted the pollen of the related species
as described above.
In order to set the remote probability of intergeneric crosses in the right
relation to agricultural reality it is helpful to remember that in a rapeseed
field at harvest 3-5% of the seeds are falling on the ground.
This corresponds to 100-150kg seeds/ha which is equivalent to 2.000-3.000
seeds/m2 or 20-30 mio seeds/ha.
Ever since rapeseed is grown as a crop, farmers have to handle this problem.
The rapeseed seedlings which emerge from the lost seeds behave like a weed
in the following crop. Appropriate cultivation practice as well as herbicide rotation
solved this problem in the past as they will do in the future.
Weed Resistance to Glufosinate
Due to the mode of action of Glufosinate Ammonium it is very unlikely
that weeds become resistant. The reason is that this would require a
mutation of the target enzyme glutamine synthetase. However, mutated glutamine
synthetase which lost its binding affinity for Glufosinate Ammonium
simultaneously lost its binding affinity for glutamate, a structural analogue
of Glufosinate Ammonium. A mutated enzyme therefore could not catalyze the
amidation of glutamate to glutamine, the essential detoxification step for
ammonia. Such a mutation would be lethal. Therefore it is extremely unlikely
that weed will develop a spontaneous resistance towards Glufosinate
This hypothesis is well supported:
- Glufosinate Ammonium has been used on some areas since over 17 years
several time a season. No observations of resistant weeds have been
- Extensive invitro plant selection programmes for maize and alfalfa failed
to yield Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant plants. On the other hand for
other herbicides it is easy to select tolerant mutants.
Impacts on weed management - herbicide
use pattern
Since the first field tests with Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant tobacco plants
in 1989 in France there was proof for the applicability of the new approach for
selective weed control with Glufosinate Ammonium. In the following years
field trial work was extended tremendously in Europe and particularly in
North America. Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant Oilseed Rape, Maize, Soybeans
and more recently Sugar Beets have been grown in over 1.100 field
trials. Glufosinate Ammonium has been sprayed post emergence with
single and sequential applications of 150 to 600 g ai/ha. The timings of
treatments were choosen primarily according to the following growth stages of
weeds: early post (2-4 leaves) mid post (3-5 leaves), late post (5-8 leaves).
Generally broad spectrum weed control of all major weeds was achieved with one
to two treatments of up to 600 g ai/ha depending on one hand on weed pressure
and on the other hand on duration of weed emergence and row closure ot the
crop. Crop safety for Glufosinate Ammonium was excellent. Yield assessments
revealed high yields confirming the concept of superior weed control with post
emergent application of Glufosinate Ammonium.
The impact on weed management can be summarized as
- The farmer acquires an additional option for controlling weeds after they
have emerged. Nonetheless, all previous methods or products continue to
be available to him.
Volunteers from a previous Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant crop can
therefore be controlled by the same means as before and cause no new
- Tolerance by the crop ensures maximum protection of yield. The
dependence of treatment on the growth stage of the crop is reduced, thus
making application easier to time. Technical management requirements
can be taken into consideration to a greater degree. It is easier to keep
weeds below damage thresholds.
- The new system can also make some treatments completely unnecessary
(if weeds are below damage thresholds) or reduce sequential sprayings.
Decisions based solely on the level of weed infestation and its development
help to reduce the amount of herbicides applied.
- Crop rotation benefits from reduced herbicide residues in the soil.
- The opportunities for different growing methods, e.g. erosion control using
undersowing or similar techniques, can be improved in combination with the
new system.
There is a proof now that genetically modified herbicide tolerant crops become
reality in agriculture. For the first time Glufosinate Ammonium tolerant oilseed
rape varities have been registered and launched in Canada 1995.
This new approach will substantially contribute to further improved cultivation
of major crops. It allows the safe use of herbicides with well accepted favourable
profiles. This enables farmers to control weeds as competitors of crops with as
little side effects as possible.