Biosicherheit & Nachhaltigkeit




Zentrum BATS


Zentrum für Biosicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit

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Capacity Building

Lúcia de Souza is a Brazilian biologist, who did her Ph.D. at the Friedrich Miescher Institut (Basel) on Plant Growth Regulators. She has worked in Mexico at a multinational company introducing new products for animal health. Back to Brazil, she works on scientific information dissemination in the multidisciplinary field of biosafety at the Brazilian National Biosafety Association ANBio (Associação Nacional de Biossegurança). This association is a non-profit scientific society, which acts in the capacity building of human resources in biosafety and in the establishment of information channels among the scientific community, the governmental control agencies, the media and the society in order to allow full access to accurate information without analytical distortions. The objective is to contribute to a correct risk assessment as well as reflections in Bioethics, Biolaw and measures that promote solutions and development for the society without unnecessary damaging the environment ( In her current assignment at the BATS Centre for Biosafety Assessment, Technology and Sustainability (Basel) is engaged in the knowledge transfer aiming at the safe use of modern biotechnology, preventing from eventual adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in countries which may have very different climatic, social and economic conditions (the aim of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety).

© Copyright Zentrum BATS: Kontakt Legal Advisor: Advokatur Prudentia-Law Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2003-08-20

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