Sie sind hier: Biosicherheit > Gesetzgebung > Consensus Conferences > Organisation Dieser Artikel ist leider nicht in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. 
Table of contents: A review of the Danish, Dutch and UK approaches to this special form of technology assessment Last Document: 3. Technology Assessment Next Document: 5. Recommendations
4. Organization of a consensus conference
4.1 Some general considerations
This section deals with important reasons why the organization and
management of a consensus conference is a larger and far more complex
venture than the organization of a conventional conference.
The first delicate matter is the choice of date and venue of the
consensus conference. The consensus conference should take place
when the Parliament is in session, since it is an instrument to inform
policy- and decision-makers about the sorts of concerns that the public
bring to socially sensitive scientific issues. The consensus conference is
likely to get more attention in the political as well as public arena if
parliamentarians are directly involved in it. As has been shown in section
3.1, the DBT has up to now been quite successful in achieving this difficult
aim by organizing consensus conferences shortly before parliamentarians
debate and subsequently decide on such issues. Furthermore, consensus
conferences ought to be held at a time when no other major competing
events are taking place, so as to ensure the highest possible media
attention for the successful dissemination of the lay panel's consensus
report among all interested parties and the general public.
The same criteria apply to the choice of venue for the consensus
conference. The venue should be as central and as close to the Houses
of Parliament as possible. The organizers of the Dutch public debate on
genetic engineering of animals believe that one reason for the unsatisfactory
media response to their consensus conference was the choice of a regional
venue (see section 3.2, above).
The lay panel's key function in raising questions, choosing experts for
answering these questions and writing the final document makes the long
term planning of the conference complicated. The lay panel has to be
taught the basic knowledge and given the relevant information about the
subject under consideration. For this reason, it is brought together for two
preparatory weekends before the consensus conference. A professional
group facilitator is engaged to guide the lay panel, and experts are invited
to explain relevant theory and practise. The chairperson of the conference
should attend at least one of the preparatory weekends in order to help
the lay panel to develop the skill of interrogating experts at the
The questions to be answered and discussed by the experts at the
conference are put together by the lay panel - and not by the organizers
of the conference - during the second preparatory weekend, which takes
place only about four weeks prior to the consensus conference. The
experts then have to send their answers back to the organizers within
these four weeks. Another difficulty is the late selection of the experts for
the consensus conference. The organizers put together a list of the names
of a wide variety of recognized experts within the chosen subject area.
These experts have all agreed in principle to give evidence and answer
questions. As the final selection of experts is not done until the second
preparatory weekend, the selected experts cannot be informed about
their appointment earlier than approximately four weeks before the
conference. Also, the lay panel may want to appoint experts that do not
appear on the organizers' list.
The steering committee of the consensus conference has a large area
of responsibility and should be seen as a planning group. The consensus
conference is not only a relatively recent initiative, it is also relatively novel.
Consequently, it requires extra and thorough reflection and explanation.
The task of the steering committee is not only to oversee the project
management, but to discuss and decide on conceptual and methodological
aspects of the initiative. This makes it necessary for the members of the
steering committee to meet fairly often, - say, every four to six weeks.
An important criterion for the success of the consensus conference is
the amount of attention it gets from the general public and from interested
parties. It is essential that the organizers of a consensus conference
develop an effective publicity strategy which goes beyond the usual task
of press offices. Apart from promoting the institutions that fund and
organize the consensus conference as institutions working to further
greater public understanding of science and technology, the publicity
strategy aims to contribute to the success of the consensus conference
by stimulating public interest and involvement in the topic of the
4.2 Organization of the UK national consensus conference on
plant biotechnology
The UK national consensus conference on plant biotechnology is
organized between the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research
Council (BBSRC, formerly the AFRC) and the Science Museum, London,
on the basis that the BBSRC is funding and the Science Museum is
organizing and managing the conference. The BBSRC can be seen as an
interested party within the field of plant biotechnology, because it
supports a great deal of biotechnological research and development. It
was therefore agreed that the BBSRC should delegate the organization
of the consensus conference to a genuinely independent agency. The
Science Museum does not have any specific involvement in
biotechnological research and development; and its status as a publicly
funded agency with responsibility of promoting greater public
understanding of science enables it to discharge the role of consensus
conference organizer without compromise.
The Science Museum has appointed a one year full time project
manager whose task is to oversee the successful implementation of the
consensus conference. The project manager is acquainted with life science,
has substantial organizational and budget management experience and
is also familiar with media. The steering committee's principal functions
are: first, to give the conference credibility by ensuring competent and
impartial implementation of the initiative; second, to ensure that
appropriate decisions are taken concerning the organization and
implementation of the conference; and third, to assist in the clarification
of issues and the identification of experts. The criteria for appointment
of steering committee members are as follows. They should be drawn
from a wide range of relevant professional backgrounds; they should be
recognized authorities in their particular fields; and they should be able
to give a significant amount of time to the initiative by regular attendance
at up to 6 bi-monthly meetings, each of one half day's duration.
The steering committee is chaired by Professor John Duran't, Head of
Science Communication Division of the Science Museum, London, and
comprises the director of the Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology (POST), representing governmental interests, the research
director of Zeneca Seeds UK, representing industrial producer interests,
a member of the Consumers' Association, representing consumer
interests, the former editor of New Scientist, representing the media,
and a reader in social psychology. The chairperson of the consensus
conference should be a well known and widely recognized person,
preferably from within the media arena, and with no particular interest in
the subject area. Shelhe will have to ensure that the lay panel can fulfil its
difficult task during the consensus conference without either being
dominated by the expert panel or hindered by the audience.
The lay panel's supervisor (or professional facilitator) has the very
important task of controlling the strong group process among the lay
people. The lay panel members have to come to terms with the relevant
issues of the subject under consideration within a short period of time.
They want to give their best and work hard because they are aware that
they will be at the centre of interest during the consensus conference.
This pressure can be stressful for some of the lay people. The supervisor,
e.g. a group psychologist, ensures that the lay people work as a team
and that all members can contribute effectively and equally to this team
The publicity strategy has been organized as follows. The BBSRC press
office takes responsibility for explaining why it has decided to fund the
consensus conference on plant biotechnology and for clarifying its role in
relation to the Science Museum. The Science Museum press office takes
responsibility for developing and implementing the media strategy for the
consensus conference.
The broad outlines of the media strategy have been agreed between
the Science Museum and the BBSRC. The publicity strategy aims to
generate and sustain media interest in the consensus conference from
the time at which the running of the consensus conference first was
announced, through to the dissemination of the consensus conference
report. So far, the planned consensus conference on plant biotechnology
has been reported in several newspapers and magazines and broadcasted
on BBC world service. The UK consensus conference has already been
mentioned and discussed in two broadcasts and a number of other
radio- and television reports are being negotiated.
The organization of the UK national consensus conference on plant
biotechnology comprises five main stages: First, basic organization
(January 1993 - April 1994); second, recruitment of lay panel and
preliminary selection of experts (May 1994 - June 1994); third, preparation
of lay panel by means of initial information pack and participation in training
weekends (August 1994 - October 1994); fourth, the consensus conference
itself (November 1994); and fifth, dissemination of consensus conference
final report and evaluation (from December 1994 onwards).
December 1992 |
Initial contacts between AFRC and Science Museum on behalf
of consensus conferences |
Jan-Apr 1993 |
First planning meeting,
draft proposal for organization of consensus conference |
May 1993 |
Second planning meeting with Danish and Dutch experts |
August 1993 |
Third planning meeting,
draft budget |
November 1993 |
Announcement of UK national consensus conference on plant
biotechnology |
December 1993 |
Signing of contract between AFRC and Science Museum,
fourth planning meeting |
January 1994 |
Advertising for post of project manager |
February 1994 |
Appointment of project manager |
March 1994 |
Appointment of steering committee members |
April 1994 |
Date and venue of conference,
date and venue of preparatory weekends |
May 1994 |
Advertising for lay panel,
press conference |
June 1994 |
Selection of lay panel,
appointment of chairperson of conference,
appointment of supervisor of lay panel,
expert list |
August 1994 |
First information pack for lay panel |
Sept-Oct 1994 |
Preparatory weekends,
selection of questions for conference,
selection of experts for conference |
November 1994 |
Consensus conference |
December 1994 |
Dissemination of final report,
start evaluation |
One of the aims of the UK national consensus conference is to test the
usefulness of this initiative for active participation of the public in the
assessment of scientific and technological subjects. An evaluation
programme is being developed which comprises three different levels of
assessment: evaluation of the success of consensus conference in its own
terms; evaluation of the success of the consensus conference in
independent terms; and an international, comparative assessment of the
UK and other European consensus conference initiatives.
The success of the consensus conference in its own terms will be
assessed by monitoring the process and the management, especially by
evaluating the effectiveness. of component parts of the organization of
the conference. The success of the conference in independent terms will
be evaluated: first, by assessing the impact of this initiative on principal
actors, principal target audiences and on the general public; second, by
assessing the perceived usefulness of this dialogue model by funding
agencies, academia, industry, consumer organizations, policy makers,
media, etc; and third, by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the
consensus conference as a special form of technology assessment. The
evaluation of the UK national consensus conference on plant biotechnology
in comparison with the Danish and the Dutch consensus conferences has
to be done by defining objective comparators.