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Tools for Safety Assessment. The release of transgenic plants Horizontal
gene transfer
Download here:
Tools for Safety Assessment. The release of transgenic plants Horizontal
gene transfer (
pdf 236 Kb)
Plant genetic engineering is rapidly proceeding leading to numerous genetically
modified cultivars. Several field releases have taken place and the first product is on
the market now.
One of the main safety concerns in terms of the release of transgenic plants is the
transfer of a transgene to other organisms. Such gene transfer can be caused by
pollen flow resulting in a hybridization with related species, or it
may happen by non sexual processes.
The present report focuses on non-sexual exchanges of genetic information between
genomes, the so called horizontal gene transfer. A general overview on horizontal
gene transfer events is given in chapter 2, while the potential recipients of plant
derived DNA, the respective transfer mechanisms and the different detection methods
are presented in greater detail in the chapters of the download version above.