Work package 1 of the GMOchips-project:

Sequences characterisation


Partners involved:

Create a plasmid bank including the characterised GMOs sequences and selection of the primer consensus.

Description of work / tasks:

Identification and characterisation of plant and GMOs sequences which have to be detected.

3) Creation of a plasmid bank including the sequences of interest which are not taken in consideration in the "qpcrgmofood"-programme.
4) Design of the consensus PCR primers and cloning of the standards for the competitive PCR.

  1. a reference plasmid bank
  2. consensus primers
  3. database with sequences
Milestones and criteria:
  1. identification of the sequences which will be detected.
  2. cloning of the sequences and creation of a plasmid bank
  3. design of the consensus PCR primers
Interrelation with other workpackages: This workpackage is the first step of the work and therefore is at the basis of the other ones.

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