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Type: PCR-RFLP System:
Genetic Element: Ampl. Length: Ampl. Position: Sequence Size [bp]:
AnnTemp [°C]: Taxonomy: Cattle (Beef (general)) Temp. Time Program: Cycling conditions :<br>One cycle of DNA denaturation for 5 min at 94 °C;<br>35 three-step cycles 94 °C for 30 sec<br>61 °C for 30 sec<br>and 72 °C for 1 min<br>Last extension for 5 min at 72 °C
Device: Reagents: Primer M1 (5 &#956;M) 1,6 &#956;l<br>Primer M2 (5 &#956;M) 1,6 &#956;l<br>PCR buffer 10x 5 &#956;l<br>MgCl2 (25 mM) 3 &#956;l<br>dNTPs (2 mM) 5 &#956;l<br>Taq DNA polymerase (5 U/&#956;l) 0,4 &#956;l<br>H2O<br>ADN 100 ng<br>Total volume 50 &#956; nPrimers: 2 Organisation: CRA-W
PCR Description: PCR-RFLP protocol used for the detection of the E, Ed and e alleles of the MC1R gene<br>according to Rolando and Di Stasio (2006) Sequence:
LOD [copy]: LOQ [copy]: Efficiency [%]:
Remarks: PCR-RFLP protocol used for the detection of the E, Ed and e alleles of the MC1R gene
according to Rolando and Di Stasio (2006)


Food Name: Generic Image: Product Type: Food Source: Product Website:
Beef meatMEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS [A0459]COW [B1201]http://europa.e... l/en/501_en.htm


PPName: Type: PrimerSequence: Length [bp]: T_Ann [°C]: TmThermo [°C]: Tm2AT [°C]: GC [%]: Position:
M1 Sense AAg AAC CgC AAC CTg CAC T 19 67.3 58.6 58 52.63
M2 Antisense CTC gTT ggC CTC TTC ATA gC 20 64.9 56.2 62 55.00

Publications (more...)

Short Title Type Date Download
PCR-RFLP protocol of the Myostatin promoter SOP September 2007 SOP_CRA-W_genotypes_CoatColourGenes_071016.pdf

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