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Overview over all Publication Records

Short Title
Publication Type
Validation of the oat PCR system: Specificity testSpecificityTestEurofins
Testing of matrix effects: Quantification of cerealsSensitivityTestEurofins
SOP: Extraction of DNA from Honey samplesSOPQiagen
SOP real-time PCR for Apis speciesSOPBiolytix
SOP PlantSpecies by PCRSOPBfR
SOP for the Quantitative Detection of OatSOPEurofins
SOP for Qualitative Detection of barley, rye, wheatSOPEurofins
SOP for microsatellite based bovine breedSOPUU-FDG
Simultaneous PCR-detection of animal species in foodsJournalBfR
Rep: Beef_TaqManReport
Real-time PCR-detection of beef and pork in foodsJournalBfR
Quantitative Real-time PCR Detection of Animal species in foodsJournalBfR
Quantitative Competitive PCR for wheat, barley or ryeJournal
Quantification of oat DNAReportEurofins
Preparation & DNA-Extraction from Honey & PollenSOPBiolytix
PCR-RFLP protocol of the Myostatin promoterSOPCRA-W
Inclusiveness test of matrix effects: Oat-samplesInclusivenessTestEurofins
European Genetic Cattle Diversity ConsortiumJournalUU-FDG
EUROFOODS Recommendations: Full ReportReportEC
Eurofoods Recommendations: Article in JournalJournalEC
Detection of Buchnera AphidicolaNoteBiolytix
Conventional PCR for Schizaphis GraminumNoteBiolytix
Cereal samplesSamplesEurofins
Cattle differentiation by AFLP fingerprintingJournalUNICATT
Breed assignment of cattle by AFLP markersJournalUNICATT
Apis mellifera conventionalSOPBiolytix
Analytical Methods: Detection of plant species in honeyJournalBfR
A Software for Genetic AssignmentJournalUU-FDG

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