Biosicherheit & Nachhaltigkeit




Zentrum BATS


Zentrum für Biosicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit

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Association for Safety and Sustainability in Life Sciences

Deutsche Version: Geschichte, Zweck: Förderverein Biosicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit in Biowissenschaften

The Association for Safety and Sustainability in Life Sciences (SINAB) aims primarily to promote research and knowledge transfer with regard to the implications of the Life Sciences. In order to realise these goals SINAB assumed responsibility for the Centre for Biosafety and Sustainability (BATS) which was established by the Swiss National Foundation in 1993 as part of its biotechnology programme. The Centre serves as focus point and co-ordinator for all activities. It seeks to facilitate transdisciplinary research into the implications of Lifesciences applications. Hence a research agreement exists with the University of Basel, enabling e.g. Ph.D. students to work on research projects with the consent of University Institutes and Faculties.

Research is accompanied by specific knowledge transfer to decision makers and opinion leaders effected by means of information and educational services in the area of safety and sustainability management. Amongst other things the Centre seeks to become an actual content provider for new learning technologies (e-learning). Knowledge transfer is to be integrated into national and international information networks by means of a website designed specifically for this purpose. It is further intended to establish a comprehensive range of services aimed at promoting sustainable applications in the Lifesciences.

The Association is operates solely on a non-profit making basis. It is politically and denominationally independent. Dr. Martin Küenzi is Association President, Dr. Othmar Käppeli is director of the Centre BATS. The Association is open to new members, representatives of partner organisations and patrons. More detailed information as regards its structure can be obtained from the Vereinstatuten Zentrum BATS.

© Copyright Zentrum BATS: Kontakt Legal Advisor: Advokatur Prudentia-Law Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2005-05-04

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