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Zentrum für Biosicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit

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Safety of Transgenic Crops. Environmental and Agricultural Considerations

Basler Forum Technik & Gesellschaft 1995

Development and field testing of new agricultural crop varieties ist proceeding rapidly, and several new agricultural biotechnology products are already entering the market.
To expand public access and awareness on the progress in the safety assessment of genetically modified crops, the Basel Forum on Biosafety 1995 will survey current efforts in safety research and regulation of transgenic varieties. Environmental issues such as gene transfer, invasiveness, target and non-target effects will be discussed on the basis of actual case studies.
The audience will be offered an overview on the approaches aimed at identifying and managing adverse impacts of genetically modified plants on the ecosystem. The current state of knowledge and the trends in safety research will be reviewed.

The Basel Forum on Biosafety 1995 has attracted more than 140 participants. The speakers surveyed the latest developments with respect to application, biosafety research and regulation of transgenic crops. Highly interesting were the perspectives outlined on how such crop varieties might affect agricultural practices.

© Copyright Zentrum BATS: Kontakt Legal Advisor: Advokatur Prudentia-Law Veröffentlichungsdatum: 1995-10-17

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