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Popular Name: Genus: Species: Class: Order: Family:
Wheat Triticum aestivum L. Liliopsida Poales Poaceae alt. Gramineae
Barley Hordeum vulgare Liliopsida Poales Pocaceae
Rye Secale cereale Liliopsida Poales Pocaceae
Name: WBR Type: PCR-RFLP System: QuaLitative (Light Cycler; TaqMan; Matsunaga) Sequence:
Genetic Element: Intron of trnL gene Ampl.Length: GenomSize: AnnTemp:
PPName Type PrimerSequence Length T_ann TmThermo Tm2AT %GC Position
WBR11 Sense ggTAA CTTCC AAATT CAgAg AAAC 24 62.7 53.9 66 37.5
WBR13 Antisense TCTCT AATTT AgAAT TAgAA ggAA 24 55.7 46.9 60 25.0
Short Title Type Date Download
Journal: WBR_gluten-free_QuaNt ArticleInJournal 2001
SOP: WBR_gluten-containing_powder CollaborativeStudy July 2004 CollStudyWBR_p9.pdf
SOP: WBR_gluten-containing SOP March 2004 SOP_GlutenWBR_detectionPCR_p9.pdf
Val: WBR_QuaL Validation 2004? Validation_wheat-rye-barley_p5.pdf
PCR detection of Wheat - Rye – Barley - December 2004 RT1-protocol_TaqBead.pdf
Organisation Data
Acronym: VUP VUP Phone: +421 2 55574622
Partner Number: 5 Fax: +421 2 55571417
Type: Authority e-Mail:
Name: VUP-Food Research Institute Website:
Umbrella Organisation:
Postal Address: Vyskumny Ustav Potravinarsky Priemyselna 4 PO Box 25 SK-82475 Bratislava 26, Slovakia Country: Slovakia
Remarks: Task Leader Workpackage 1.2
Title / Name e-Mail Phone Remarks
Dr. Hana Drahouská +421 2 50237158 Subcontractor of MolSpec-Partner No. 5
Dr. Tomas Kuchta +421 2 50237158 MolSpec-Partner No. 5
Dr. Lubica Piknová +421 2 50237158 MolSpec-Partner No. 5
Dr. Peter Siekel +421 2 50237158 MolSpec-Partner No. 5
FoodName Extraction Process cNucl cDNA aDNA Supplier
Wheat flour CTAB flour 177±36 374±20 103 VUP
Wheat flour GeneSpin flour 706±83 918±152 104 VUP
Wheat flour InviSorb flour 85±26 479±140 102 VUP
Wheat biscuit CTAB biscuit 65±26 85±23 103 VUP
Wheat biscuit GeneSpin biscuit 26±3 55±2 102 VUP
Wheat biscuit InviSorb biscuit 156±67 146±40 103 VUP
Wheat biscuit with chocolate (Twix) CTAB biscuit with chocolate (and caramel; Twix) 34±13 31±1 102 VUP
Wheat biscuit with chocolate (Twix) GeneSpin biscuit with chocolate (and caramel; Twix) 26±6 23±8 102 VUP
Wheat biscuit with chocolate (Twix) InviSorb biscuit with chocolate (and caramel; Twix) 56±7 30±12 102 VUP
Wheat Brei (Instant) CTAB Instant Brei 30±14 86±10 102 VUP
Wheat Brei (Instant) GeneSpin Instant Brei 30±3 55±1 102 VUP
Wheat Brei (Instant) InviSorb Instant Brei 56±18 37±10 102 VUP
Electrophor. RT-device DNA-Seqencer ThermoCyl. SouthernBlot Other
yes ABI 7000 in 2002 (only subcontractor) ABI 9700 (only subcontractor)
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