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Publication |
Short Title: |
SOP real-time PCR for Apis species |
Full Title: |
Detection of different Apis species with real-time PCR |
Authors: |
Mandy Schoene-Michling |
Organisation: |
Biolytix |
Publication Date: |
November 2005 |
Version: |
Publication Type: |
Language: |
English |
Report Title: |
Volume: |
Issue: |
Pages: |
4 |
Download: |
Detection-ApisSpecies-Conf.pdf |
Medium: |
Method: |
URL: |
Problem with Link: |
Remarks: |
Detection-ApisSpecies-Public.pdf |
Name: |
Type: |
System: |
Ampl.Length: |
Sequence Size [bp]: |
AnnTemp [°C]: |
ApisCerana_RT |
Real-Time PCR |
Qualitative |
113 |
470.Apis cerana mitochondr.16S rRNA large subunit |
57-62 |
ApisDorsata_RT |
Real-Time PCR |
Qualitative |
101 |
462.Apis dorsana mitochondr.16S rRNA large subunit |
55-59 |
ApisFlorea_RT |
Real-Time PCR |
Qualitative |
105 |
469.Apis cerana mitochondr.16S rRNA large subunit |
52-57 |
ApisMellifera_RT |
Real-Time PCR |
Qualitative |
103 |
467.Apis mellifera mitochondr.16S rRNA large subun |
55-61 |
Taxonomy |
Popular Name: |
Genus: |
Species: |
Class: |
Order: |
Family: |
Oriental Honeybee |
Apis |
cerana |
Insecta |
Hymenoptera |
Apidae |
Rock Honeybee |
Apis |
dorsata |
Insecta |
Hymenoptera |
Apidae |
Dwarf Honeybee |
Apis |
florea |
Insecta |
Hymenoptera |
Apidae |
Bee |
Apis |
mellifera |
Insecta |
Hymenoptera |
Apidae |
Greenbug |
Schizaphis |
graminum |
Insecta |
Hemiptera |
Aphididae |
Greenbug Bacteria |
Buchnera |
aphidicola |
Gammaproteobacteria |
Enterobacteriales |
Enterobacteriaceae |
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